If you are out of room and need to purchase more bank slots, please contact customer support once this issue >is resolved, and we will be happy to assist you. We recommend that players not purchase additional bank spaces, as they may be lost when this is fixed in an >upcoming patch. We are confident at this time that no slots and no items have been lost, and that we will be able to return your >belongings to you in a future patch. We are currently investigating a fix for the issue regarding bank space. Thank you for contacting the Elder Scrolls Online Team. Please don't use quotes unless you actually mean that it's a direct quote. I assume that what I got is a copy/paste of the exact same message you got. Support has been useless, telling me that they hope to fix it in a "future" patch, but are "unable" to reimburse me. Here is a link to the support thread on the official forums (warning lots of angry people, would not recommend knee-jerk fanboys visit this thread at all, you are likely to piss paying customers off further and simply hurt the game you want to succeed): As for me and many other players who have experienced this issue, the game is nearly unplayable with next to no free inventory slots.

There does not appear to be a problem with personal character inventory, however, if you find that to be an acceptable alternative to your inventory problems in the mean time. My recommendation would be to not expand your bank if at all possible until the issue is fixed in a full patch, lest this same problem befall you. For most players experiencing this bug, this seems to result in loss of all items stored in slots 61 on-ward (though for some people, items have been found in the inventory of alternate characters). Apparently there is a large number of people (including myself) who have paid to expand our bank slots, only to have it suddenly reverted back to the default 60 slots. Hello friends, I know a similar issue has been talked about on these boards but I want to make you aware of a particularly frustrating bug right now concerning in-game personal bank storage space.